Huruma yake ni ya Milele by P. F. Mwarabu

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Artist:  P. F. Mwarabu
Song:  Huruma yake ni ya Milele


The Spiritual Sense 

Thanks to the unity of God's plan, not only the text of Scripture but also the realities and events about which it speaks can be signs.

1. The allegorical sense. 

We can acquire a more profound understanding of events by recognizing their significance in Christ; thus the crossing of the Red Sea is a sign or type of Christ's victory and also of Christian Baptism.

2. The moral sense. 

The events reported in Scripture ought to lead us to act justly. As St. Paul says, they were written: "for our instruction".

3. The anagogical sense (Greek: anagoge, "leading"). 

We can view realities and events in terms of their eternal significance, leading us toward our true homeland: thus the Church on earth is a sign of the heavenly Jerusalem.

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