Esiphambanweni ~ St. Wendelin's Catholic Parish[Mp3 review & Lyrics]

Esiphambanweni by St. Wendelen's catholic parish: Song Review

Esiphambanweni is a Zulu word that means "at the cross". It is also the title of a beautiful and inspiring song by The New Jerusalem Catholic, a gospel group from South Africa. The song was performed by St. Wendelen's catholic parish, a vibrant and diverse community of faith in Pinetown, KwaZulu-Natal. The parish choir sang the song with passion and harmony, accompanied by a keyboard, a guitar, and drums.

The song is based on the biblical passage of John 19:25-27, where Jesus entrusts his mother Mary and his beloved disciple John to each other at the foot of the cross. The song expresses the deep love and sorrow that Mary felt as she witnessed her son's crucifixion, as well as the hope and joy that she experienced as she received him as her risen Lord. The song also invites the listeners to join Mary and John at the cross, to share in their faith and devotion, and to receive Jesus as their savior and friend.

The song has four verses and a chorus. The first verse describes the scene of Calvary, where Jesus was nailed to the cross and surrounded by soldiers, thieves, and mockers. The second verse focuses on Mary's perspective, how she stood by her son's side and felt his pain and agony. The third verse shifts to John's perspective, how he followed Jesus to the cross and received Mary as his mother. The fourth verse celebrates the resurrection of Jesus, how he conquered death and sin and gave new life to his followers. The chorus repeats the word "esiphambanweni", emphasizing the importance of being at the cross with Jesus.

The song is sung in Zulu, with some English words mixed in. The lyrics are simple but profound, conveying a message of love, sacrifice, and salvation. The melody is catchy and uplifting, creating a mood of worship and praise. The song is suitable for liturgical celebrations, especially during Lent and Easter seasons, as well as for personal devotion and reflection.

The song is a testimony of the catholic faith, which believes that Jesus is the Son of God who died for our sins and rose from the dead. It also affirms the role of Mary as the mother of God and the mother of the church, who intercedes for us and leads us to her son. It also acknowledges the communion of saints, who are our brothers and sisters in Christ who support us in our journey of faith.

Esiphambanweni is a song that touches the hearts of many people who listen to it. It reminds us of the great love that God has for us, and the great gift that he has given us in his son Jesus. It also challenges us to follow Jesus in his way of the cross, to carry our own crosses with courage and faith, and to share in his glory and joy. It is a song that invites us to be at the cross with Jesus, where we can find grace, mercy, and peace.


Artist: St. Wendelin's Catholic Parish

Song: Esiphambanweni

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