Isihlabelelo sokuphendula ~ St. Wendelin's Catholic Parish[Mp3 review & Lyrics]

Isihlabelelo sokuphendula' by KwaNina Womsindisi Youth Choir

'Isihlabelelo sokuphendula' is a song that is based on Psalm 111, a hymn of praise to God for His wonderful deeds and His covenant with His people. The song was performed by KwaNina Womsindisi Youth Choir, a Catholic choir from the Archdiocese of Durban in South Africa. The song was uploaded on YouTube by Catholic Zulu Hymn¹ in 2019. The song is sung in Zulu, one of the official languages of South Africa and the most widely spoken language in the province of KwaZulu-Natal.

The song begins with a chorus that repeats the first verse of Psalm 111: "I will praise the Lord with all my heart in the assembly of the upright and in the congregation." The chorus expresses the joy and gratitude of the singer for God's marvelous works and His faithful love. The chorus also invites the listeners to join in the praise and worship of God with their whole heart.

The verses follow the structure and content of Psalm 111, highlighting some of the attributes and actions of God that deserve praise and thanksgiving. The verses mention God's greatness, righteousness, grace, mercy, truth, justice, power, holiness, and faithfulness. The verses also recall God's mighty deeds in history, such as His creation, His deliverance of Israel from Egypt, His giving of the law, His provision for His people, and His establishment of an everlasting covenant. The verses also affirm that God's works are worthy of study and meditation, that God's commands are to be obeyed and revered, and that God's fear is the beginning of wisdom.

The song uses simple but poetic words and melodies to convey the message of Psalm 111. The song is accompanied by traditional African instruments, such as drums, rattles, and whistles, that create a rhythmic and lively sound. The singers also use gestures and movements to express their emotions and to engage the audience. The song is a testimony of faith and hope that inspires the listeners to acknowledge God's goodness and greatness in their lives.

The song is also a reflection of the Catholic faith and culture of South Africa, where Zulu is one of the languages used in liturgy and catechesis. The song shows how the Catholic faith has been inculturated in South Africa, blending with the local language, music, and customs. The song also shows how the Catholic faith has been nourished by the Scripture, especially the Psalms, which are an integral part of the liturgy of the hours and the Mass. The song is a tribute to the rich and diverse Catholic heritage of South Africa, which continues to grow and flourish today.


Artist: St. Wendelin's Catholic Parish

Song: Isihlabelelo sokuphendula

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The song 'Isihlabelelo sokuphendula' is a beautiful and moving song that honors God and His works. It is a song that expresses the joy and gratitude of being a Catholic in South Africa. It is a song that invites us to praise God with all our heart and to follow His commands with reverence and wisdom. It is a song that reminds us that God loves us and calls us to be His witnesses in the world.

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