Ye Gwe Katonda Wa Bajjajja Fe ~ Buvuma Parish Choir[Mp3 review & Lyrics]

Ye Gwe Katonda Wa Bajjajja Fe by Buvuma Parish Choir: Song Review

Ye Gwe Katonda Wa Bajjajja Fe, which means "You are the God of our ancestors", is a beautiful and uplifting song by the Buvuma Parish Choir, a Catholic choir from Uganda. The song is dedicated to the Uganda Martyrs, a group of 23 Anglican and 22 Catholic converts who were executed between 1885 and 1887 for refusing to renounce their faith by the king of Buganda, Mwanga II.

The song praises God for his faithfulness and power, and asks for his mercy and protection. The chorus repeats the phrase "Ye gwe Katonda wa bajjajja fe", affirming that God is the same God who was with their ancestors, the martyrs, and all the saints. The song also expresses gratitude for the gift of life and the hope of eternal life. The song is sung in Luganda, one of the major languages spoken in Uganda.

The song has a lively and joyful melody, accompanied by traditional drums and other instruments. The choir sings with harmony and enthusiasm, creating a festive atmosphere. The song reflects the vibrant and resilient spirit of the Ugandan Catholics, who have faced many challenges and persecutions throughout history, but have remained faithful to their beliefs. The song also celebrates the rich and diverse cultural heritage of Uganda, which has been influenced by various ethnic groups, religions, and colonial powers.

The song is a great example of how music can be used to express one's faith and identity, as well as to honor one's ancestors and heroes. The song is also a testimony of how the Catholic Church has grown and flourished in Africa, despite the difficulties and obstacles it has encountered. The song is a reminder of the universal and timeless nature of God's love and grace, which transcends all boundaries and differences. The song is a source of inspiration and encouragement for all Catholics, especially those who are facing trials and tribulations in their lives.


Artist: Buvuma Parish Choir

Song: Ye Gwe Katonda Wa Bajjajja Fe

Ye Gwe Katonda Wa Bajjajja Fe Lyrics

[A] Chorus:

Verse [1]

Tuli ggwanga lui, tuli baana Bo

(We are your nation, we are your children)

Tuli bantu bo emirembe

(We are your people forever)

Tusaba omukisa gwo

(We ask for your blessing)

Tusaba obulamu bwo

(We ask for your life)

[A] Chorus:

Tuli ggwanga lui, tuli baana Bo

(We are your nation, we are your children)

Tuli bantu bo emirembe

(We are your people forever)

Tusaba omukisa gwo

(We ask for your blessing)

Tusaba obulamu bwo

(We ask for your life)

[A x2]

Verse [2]

Tusaba okutulwanira

(We ask you to fight for us)

Tusaba okutulinda

(We ask you to protect us)

Tusaba okutuwa ekitiibwa

(We ask you to give us glory)

Tusaba okutuwa ebyobulamu

(We ask you to give us eternal things)

[B] Chorus:

Tuli ggwanga lui, tuli baana Bo

(We are your nation, we are your children)

Tuli bantu bo emirembe

(We are your people forever)

Tusaba omukisa gwo

(We ask for your blessing)

Tusaba obulamu bwo

(We ask for your life)

[B x2]

Verse [3]

Twagala okukwebaza

(We want to thank you)

Twagala okukwegulumiza

(We want to praise you)

Twagala okukwegayirira

(We want to worship you)

Twagala okukwegoberera

(We want to obey you)

[C] Chorus:

Tuli ggwanga lui, tuli baana Bo

(We are your nation, we are your children)

Tuli bantu bo emirembe

(We are your people forever)

Tusaba omukisa gwo

(We ask for your blessing)

Tusaba obulamu bwo

(We ask for your life)

[C x2]

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