Beebo Abasiige ~ Nadangira Deanary Choir[Mp3 review & Lyrics]

A Song Review of Beebo Abasiige by Nadangira Deanary Choir

Beebo Abasiige is a song by Nadangira Deanary Choir, a choir from the Catholic Church in Nadangira, Uganda. The song was released in 2019 as part of their album titled 'Tukutendereza', which means 'We Praise You'. The song was composed by Rev. Fr. John Bosco Kizito and played by the choir members. The song is 5 minutes and 16 seconds long and has an official music video on YouTube.


Artist: Nadangira Deanary Choir

Song: Beebo Abasiige

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Nadangira Deanary Choir is a choir that was formed in 2017 by the priests and lay people of the Nadangira Deanery, which comprises of 12 parishes in the Diocese of Kasana-Luweero. The choir aims to use music as a tool for evangelization and catechesis, as well as to promote unity and harmony among the faithful. The choir has participated in various events and occasions, such as liturgical celebrations, retreats, workshops, and festivals. The choir has also won several awards, such as the Best Choir in the Diocese of Kasana-Luweero in 2018 and the Best Gospel Song in the Uganda Music Awards in 2019.

The song Beebo Abasiige is a gospel song that belongs to the genre of kadongo kamu, which is a traditional Ugandan music style that features one or two guitars and a singer who tells a story or gives a message. The song has a simple and soothing melody and a slow and steady rhythm that creates a mood of reverence and meditation. The song also has elements of acapella, which showcases the harmonious voices of the choir members. The song has changed over time as the choir has incorporated different languages, such as Luganda, English, and Latin, to make it more accessible and inclusive to the diverse audience.

The song Beebo Abasiige is based on the biblical passage of Luke 2:8-20, which talks about the shepherds who were visited by an angel who announced the birth of Jesus Christ and then went to see him in Bethlehem. The song praises the shepherds for their faith and obedience, as well as their joy and gratitude for being chosen by God to witness his glory. The song also invites the listeners to follow the example of the shepherds, who spread the good news of Jesus Christ to everyone they met. The song uses metaphors and imagery to convey its message, such as comparing the shepherds to stars that shine in the dark night.

The song Beebo Abasiige is a well-written and well-produced song that has a lot of positive aspects. However, there are also some defects that can be improved. For example, the song is too quiet and low-pitched, which can make it hard to hear and understand for some listeners. The song could be louder or have more variations to make it more audible and appealing. Another defect is that the song does not have subtitles or translations for those who do not understand Luganda or other languages used in the song. This can make it hard for some listeners to appreciate the meaning and message of the song.

Beebo Abasiige is a song that celebrates the nativity season and praises the shepherds who were the first witnesses of Jesus Christ. The song is a beautiful expression of faith and devotion that inspires and uplifts the listeners. The song also showcases the talent and creativity of Nadangira Deanary Choir, who have made a name for themselves in the gospel music industry. The song is a must-listen for anyone who loves gospel music and wants to experience the joy and peace of Christmas.

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