Mukulike Mwena Abajulizi ~ Bukerere Parish Choir Lugazi[Mp3 review & Lyrics]

Mukulike Mwena Abajulizi by Bukerere Parish Choir Lugazi: A Song Review

Mukulike Mwena Abajulizi by Bukerere Parish Choir Lugazi is a beautiful and inspiring song that celebrates the faith and courage of the Ugandan martyrs who died for their belief in Christ. The song is sung in Luganda, the native language of the Baganda people, who make up the largest ethnic group in Uganda. The song is based on a traditional hymn that was composed by Gerald Osinde, a Catholic musician and composer.

The song begins with a call to rejoice and remember the martyrs who were persecuted and killed by the king of Buganda, Mwanga II, in the late 19th century. The king was opposed to Christianity and ordered the execution of many of his subjects who had converted to the new faith. The song praises the martyrs for their steadfastness and willingness to shed their blood for Christ. The chorus repeats the phrase "Mukulike mwenna abajulizi bana Uganda", which means "Rejoice, all you martyrs of Uganda".

The song then recounts some of the stories of the martyrs, such as Charles Lwanga, who was burned alive at Namugongo, Andrew Kaggwa, who was beheaded, and Matthias Mulumba, who was cut into pieces. The song also mentions some of the female martyrs, such as Maria Goretti Namaganda, who was stabbed to death, and Teresa Nalubowa, who was drowned. The song honors their sacrifice and asks them to intercede for us before God.

The song ends with a prayer of gratitude and hope, asking God to grant us the grace to follow the example of the martyrs and to live our faith with joy and courage. The song also expresses the hope that one day we will join them in heaven and sing praises to God with them.

Mukulike Mwena Abajulizi by Bukerere Parish Choir Lugazi is a song that reflects the rich history and culture of Uganda, as well as the deep faith and devotion of its people. The song is a testimony of how God can work wonders through ordinary people who are willing to give their lives for him. The song is a reminder of the power of faith and the value of martyrdom in the Catholic tradition. The song is also a source of inspiration and encouragement for all Christians who face challenges and difficulties in their lives. The song invites us to rejoice in our faith and to trust in God's love and mercy.


Artist: Bukerere Parish Choir Lugazi

Song: Mukulike Mwena Abajulizi

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