Mukulike Namugongo ~ Buvuma Parish Choir Lugazi[Mp3 review & Lyrics]

Mukulike Namugongo by Buvuma Parish Choir Lugazi: A Song Review

Mukulike Namugongo (Abazira) is a Swahili song composed by John Mgandu and performed by the choir of Buvuma Parish in Lugazi, Uganda. The song is a tribute to the Ugandan martyrs, who were killed for their faith in the 19th century by the king of Buganda. The song is part of the album of the same name, which was released in 2023. The song begins with a solo voice singing the first line of the chorus in Zulu, followed by the rest of the choir joining in Swahili. The chorus repeats four times, with each line ending with the phrase "abazira" (martyrs). The chorus expresses the main theme of the song, which is to honor and imitate the martyrs who gave their lives for Christ. They sing:

Mukulike Namugongo (Abazira)

To you Namugongo (martyrs)

Mukulike Namugongo (Abazira)

To you Namugongo (martyrs)

Mukulike Namugongo (Abazira)

To you Namugongo (martyrs)

Mukulike Namugongo (Abazira)

To you Namugongo (martyrs)

The song then continues with four verses, each consisting of two lines that rhyme. The verses describe the various aspects of the martyrs' lives and deaths, such as their courage, faithfulness, love, witness, suffering, glory, intercession, and example. The verses also refer to the different names and titles of the martyrs, such as Charles Lwanga, Andrew Kaggwa, Matthias Mulumba, Denis Ssebuggwawo, and others. The verses are interspersed with the chorus, creating a contrast between the solo and the group voices.

The song ends with a bridge that affirms the unity and communion of the Church in heaven and on earth. The bridge repeats the phrase "tuli mu" (we are in) four times, followed by four expressions of the Church: "ekisa" (grace), "okumanya" (knowledge), "okwagala" (love), and "ekibiina" (community). The bridge then leads to a final chorus that fades out gradually.

The song is a testimony of the choir's faith and experience as Catholics in Uganda. They acknowledge that they are inspired and guided by the martyrs, who are their ancestors in faith and their patrons in heaven. They also recognize that they share in the same grace, knowledge, love, and community that the martyrs enjoyed and manifested. They express their devotion and gratitude to the martyrs, and their desire to follow their example.

The song is also an invitation to listeners to join them in their tribute and imitation of the martyrs. They want to inspire others to learn about the history and legacy of the martyrs, and how they influenced the growth and development of the Church in Uganda and Africa. They want to remind others that the martyrs are still alive and active in heaven, interceding for us and helping us in our needs. They want to encourage others to live for Christ, and to be ready to die for him if necessary.

The song is a masterpiece of musical artistry and spiritual expression. It showcases the choir's vocal skills and harmonies, as well as their cultural identity and diversity. It also conveys their theological beliefs and values, as well as their personal stories and emotions. It is a song that can touch anyone's heart and soul, regardless of their background or beliefs. It is a song that can bring honor, praise, and glory to God and his martyrs.


Artist: Buvuma Parish Choir Lugazi

Song: Mukulike Namugongo

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