Nangu Unina Eli Sizo: A Soulful Zulu Hymn
If you are looking for a song that can uplift your spirit and inspire your faith, you might want to listen to Nangu Unina Eli Sizo by St. Wendelen's Catholic Parish. This is a Zulu hymn that praises the Blessed Virgin Mary as the mother of our Savior and our refuge in times of trouble. The song was produced in 2021 by Profound Travel, a media company that specializes in creating Catholic content. The song is sung by KwaNina Womsindisi Youth Choir, a talented group of young singers from St. Wendelen's Parish. The song is about three minutes long and has a beautiful melody and harmony.

Artist: St. Wendelen's Catholic Parish
Song: Nangu Unina Eli Sizo
St. Wendelen's Catholic Parish is one of the oldest and largest Catholic parishes in South Africa. It was founded in 1882 by Abbot Francis Wendelin Pfanner, a Trappist monk who established several monasteries and missions in Africa. The parish is located in the province of KwaZulu Natal, about 14 km from central Pinetown. The parish has a rich history and heritage, as well as a vibrant and diverse community of faithful. The parish has won several awards for its social and pastoral work, such as the Catholic Social Services Award in 2019 and the Diocesan Youth Award in 2020.
The song Nangu Unina Eli Sizo belongs to the genre of Zulu hymns, which are traditional songs of praise and worship in the Zulu language. Zulu hymns have been influenced by various musical styles, such as gospel, jazz, reggae, and pop. They often incorporate elements of African rhythms, instruments, and melodies. Zulu hymns have evolved over time to reflect the changing social and cultural contexts of the Zulu people, as well as their spiritual experiences and expressions. Zulu hymns are popular among Catholics and other Christians in South Africa and beyond.
One of the aspects of the song that is important is the lyrics, which convey a deep devotion to Mary as the mother of Jesus and the mother of all believers. The lyrics are based on the biblical passages of Luke 1:26-38 and John 19:25-27, where Mary receives the annunciation from the angel Gabriel and stands at the foot of the cross with John, respectively. The lyrics also echo the words of the Hail Mary prayer and the Salve Regina antiphon. The lyrics express gratitude, trust, love, and hope in Mary's intercession and protection.
Another aspect of the song that is important is the performance, which showcases the skill and passion of the KwaNina Womsindisi Youth Choir. The choir consists of about 30 members, ranging from ages 15 to 25. The choir was formed in 2018 by Father Thabo Mkhize, the parish priest of St. Wendelen's Parish. The choir aims to spread the gospel through music and to inspire other young people to join the church. The choir sings with harmony, clarity, and emotion, creating a powerful and moving rendition of the hymn.
The song Nangu Unina Eli Sizo is not without its flaws, however. One of the defects that can be noticed is the quality of the recording, which is not very clear or crisp. The sound is sometimes distorted or muffled, making it hard to hear some of the words or notes. The recording also lacks some background music or accompaniment, which could have enhanced the mood and atmosphere of the song. The recording could have been improved with better equipment or editing.
Nangu Unina Eli Sizo by St. Wendelen's Catholic Parish is a song that deserves attention and appreciation from anyone who loves music and faith. It is a song that celebrates Mary as our mother and our help in times of need. It is a song that showcases the talent and spirit of the KwaNina Womsindisi Youth Choir and their parish community. It is a song that can touch your heart and soul with its melody and message. You can listen to it on YouTube⁵ or on St. Wendelen's Parish YouTube channel⁶. You can also follow them on Facebook⁷ for more updates and information about their parish activities and events.