Wo! Ngosizi Lwakho Jesu ~ St. Wendelen's Catholic Parish[Mp3 review & Lyrics]

Wo! Ngosizi Lwakho Jesu by St. Wendelen's Catholic Parish: A Song Review

Wo! Ngosizi Lwakho Jesu by St. Wendelen's Catholic Parish is a powerful and moving song that expresses the love and gratitude of the Zulu people for Jesus Christ, who suffered and died for their sins. The song is sung in Zulu, the most widely spoken language in South Africa, and is based on a traditional Catholic hymn that was adapted by Gerald Osinde, a renowned Zulu composer and musician.

The song starts with a cry of joy and admiration for Jesus, who bore the pain and sorrow of our hearts, and shed his blood for our transgressions. The song calls him "Ngosizi", which means "helper" or "savior" in Zulu, and acknowledges his role as our redeemer and advocate. The chorus repeats the phrase "Wo! Ngosizi Lwakho Jesu", which means "Oh! Your helper Jesus".

The song then narrates some of the events of Jesus' passion and death, such as his betrayal, mockery, scourging, crucifixion, and burial. The song uses vivid and poetic language to describe his wounds, his agony, his humility, and his love. The song also compares his suffering to that of the Ugandan martyrs, who were killed for their faith by the king of Buganda in the 19th century. The song honors their courage and asks them to pray for us.

The song ends with a prayer of thanksgiving and hope, asking Jesus to grant us the grace to follow his example and to live our faith with joy and courage. The song also expresses the hope that one day we will see him face to face and sing praises to him with the angels and saints.

Wo! Ngosizi Lwakho Jesu by St. Wendelen's Catholic Parish is a song that reflects the rich history and culture of South Africa, as well as the deep faith and devotion of its people. The song is a testimony of how Jesus can transform our lives through his mercy and grace. The song is a reminder of the power of love and the value of sacrifice in the Catholic tradition. The song is also a source of inspiration and encouragement for all Christians who face challenges and difficulties in their lives. The song invites us to rejoice in our savior and to trust in his help.


Artist: St. Wendelin's Catholic Parish

Song: Wo! Ngosizi Lwakho Jesu

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